"Smart Sensor Television: Television viewing distance detector automatically as efforts to maintain healthy eyes"

      public attitudes in Indonesia in watching television and did not heed their position to watch television, can disrupt the health co...
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Waterman (Pesticide Spray Equipment Semi Automatic), As A Result Of Rice Production Quality Improvement To Good Agricultural Practices (Gap)

            Based on statistical data, the population of Indonesia in 2010 amounted to 237 556 363 inhabitants and a population growth rate...
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Belajar Desain 3D Jembatan Lengkung

dalam postingan ini, penulis hanya memposting gambar hasil belajar dikampus. namun hasilnya sangat belum sempurna. mohon dimaklumi karena ke...
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Klasifikasi Pelabuhan

Menurut Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No.69 Tahun 2001 Pasal 1 ayat 1, tentang Kepelabuhanan, pelabuhan adalah tempat yang terdiri dari darat...
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Asphalt Mixing Plant (AMP)

Asphalt Mixing Plant adalah salah satu alat pencampur Agregat-Aspal secara panas (Hot-Mix).Unit ini dirancang untuk dapat melakukan pencamp...
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