English Communicative Activities. Wednesday, 13-04-2016

(Bantar III Bridge Modification Using Steel Arch)
Roy Fernando
NIM. 5150821008

Wates street is a primary arterial road to the South Coast track. Yogyakarta City Government has built a bridge to connect separate Wates Way by Progo is Bantar bridge. Bantar bridge is a bridge beam profile prestressed concrete I with the main material. In addition to concrete, steel with high quality can be used as the main material in the planning Bantar bridge. In this thesis, the author analyzes the strength and deflection of the bridge Bantar using steel material with modifying into the arch bridge. The method of analysis used in the final project is the numerical analysis method. Parameter analysis of the bridge consists of general data, technical data, and loading bridges. Imposition based on rules RSNI T-02-2005. Limitation of loading analysis include dead load, the load column "D", centered line load, and load the truck. Control numerical analysis using SAP2000 V14 student aid program version. From the analysis, arch bridge structure consists of a bridge deck with 200mm thick, 50mm asphalt layer, longitudinal girder (IWF 900x300x16x28), transverse girder (IWF 600x300 x12x20), rod hanger (IWF 450x200x9x14), arc above (IWF 400x400x45x70), bow down (IWF 400x400x45x70), arc diagonal (IWF 400x400x30x50), vertical arc (IWF 400x400x30x50), bond over the wind (IWF 300x150x6.5x9) and), under the wind bond (IWF 300x150x6.5x9). The amount of deflection occurs in the middle of the span, which is 113.7 mm. The magnitude of the shear forces on arch bridge structure is -0 104 kN and moments that occur at 0.00001319 kNm

bantar III bridge location

bantar III bridge old

new design for bantar III bridge

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