Babe Yati Shoe

          Shoe is a human need. Shoes is now a very important thing that should be owned by everyone. Seeing the market opportunity is large enough, then a lot of shoe manufacturers are popping up with a product that is an average based modern, like TEXON, vinyl, and leather. While the available raw materials may not always be to meet consumer demand, plus the materials price increasingly surged as demand and availability is not comparable. Though many of the ingredients that are not unthinkable that can be used, one of which is waste.

          As we know, the rest of the waste is a result of production that are not used anymore and can damage the environment, especially waste that is difficult destroyed by natural processes. Examples of these wastes are used tires and jeans cloth. The frequency of disposal of used tires is now very high, can be seen from the increasing number of people who have personal vehicles, whether motorized or non-motorized vehicles. Similarly, the jeans fabric. These wastes would be worth negative if the user is not right, if it uses the concept of reuse or recycle it would produce an economically valuable goods.
        From these two waste materials we try kasatuan gubungkan into a tangible product and having a certain unique multifunctional shoe. Considering only shoe manufacturers produce shoes with a model that's it then we tried to create a unique model. Multifunctional, meaning shoe shape can be changed according to the type of event, for example on campus, when the streets, even in schools that generally requires students to use a certain type of shoe. Plus this shoe can be used by all people. Therefore, the collection of global shoe designs will increase and people will not get bored with the existing models of shoes. Their entrepreneurial multifunctional shoe "Babe yati" This will enhance the entrepreneurial spirit for students

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