Just My Idea Of Lightweight Concrete. English Communicative Activities

Analysis of Compressive Strength and Strong Pull Shopping Lightweight Concrete with coarse aggregates and PET Plastic Waste and Materials Added Fly Ash
(Comparison of Mixed 1pc: 2AH: 3AK)

Concrete is a composite material of some material, which is composed of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water and additives (optional) with a certain ratio. Some types of concrete that has been developed is a lightweight concrete. ACI-318 states that the lightweight concrete is concrete using lightweight aggregate and has a unit weight of <1900 kg / m3. Density of lightweight concrete that small will reduce the dead load of structural elements that result in the need structure dimension becomes smaller. With a lighter weight structure, for a region that has a major seismic risk, particularly in Indonesia, the seismic forces that work on the building will be smaller. Lightweight concrete can be produced using lightweight aggregate, which can be produced naturally or artificially. One artificial coarse aggregate is to use plastic waste types Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). PET material has good mechanical properties, good resistance to solvents, and good hydraulic stabilization. Benefits of using large-scale PET plastic waste can reduce the rate of growth in the amount of waste PET plastic garbage fact is rubbish difficult to decompose naturally by nature. Compressive strength and tensile strength lightweight concrete sides are divided into 2 (two), the lightweight concrete for structural and non-structural lightweight concrete. To increase the compressive strength and tensile strength lightweight concrete sides, the mixture can be added to the admixture materials such as fly ash. Fly ash serves as a filler for filling cavities that can not be filled by sand. According to I Wayan Suarnita (2011) examines the compressive strength of concrete with fly ash, from the test results of concrete strength an average age of 28 days and with the addition of fly ash by 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% by weight of cement obtained an increase in the compressive strength of between 5.088%, 9.473%, 12.103%, 14.034% to 15.437%. In this study will assess the effect of the compressive strength and tensile strength of concrete sides lightly with coarse aggregate of PET plastic waste and the addition of fly ash by 20% by weight of cement. So that the lightweight concrete terms as a function of structural and non-structural may be fulfilled.

***Iam sorry if my idea have a lot a errors. this is because Iam still learning and than Iam sorryif my English is very bad. and I say thank you to everyone who has helped me. thanks..

plastic types Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

fly ash

concrete specimen

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