Waterman (Pesticide Spray Equipment Semi Automatic), As A Result Of Rice Production Quality Improvement To Good Agricultural Practices (Gap)

            Based on statistical data, the population of Indonesia in 2010 amounted to 237 556 363 inhabitants and a population growth rate of 1.49% starting in 2011 and then in 2014 the population of Indonesia can reach 252 034 317 inhabitants. (Source: Roadmap Peningkatan Produksi Beras Nasional (P2BN)). In the 2010 recorded consumption of rice in one family of 139.15 kg /year and  then, the rate of increase in rice consumption by 1.5%, the demand for rice in 2014 reached 33,013,214 tons. To achieve the target of 33,013,214 tonnes in 2014, the need for strategic steps to achieve. The main problem in the provision of national rice is a crop failure caused by climate change and attack plant pests (OPT), which decrease the produtivitas and quality of the harvest. So that the resulting production does not meet the needs of domestic and international markets that have the criteria required under Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).
             The purpose of the program is to implement a tool waterman to rice farmers or farmer groups. The purpose of this tool is as efforts to increase productivity and quality of crop production towards Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). The method of implementation is making tools, testing tools, and deployment tools. Making the waterman is a DC motor as a machine pumps, solar cel, batteries, pesticide tank and hose to drain the water from the tank to the spraying pipe. From the test results, sprinklers pesticide spraying pesticide capable of 15 liters in 10 minutes. The working principle of this device is spraying pesticide use DC motors and DC motor drive energy is supplied by a mini solar cell is stored in the battery. So that the tool can be used by Indonesian farmers to improve the quality of crop production. Application of tools carried in three different partners, namely the blooming farmer groups tegal rejo sari village, Klaten, Central Java, Yogyakarta limestone farmer groups, and BAPEDA DIY. 
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