"Smart Sensor Television: Television viewing distance detector automatically as efforts to maintain healthy eyes"

      public attitudes in Indonesia in watching television and did not heed their position to watch television, can disrupt the health conditions of the eye. Watching television with a distance of less than 5 times the diagonal television can adversely impact the health of the eye lens such as nearsightedness, photochemical injuries, and astigmatism.
         Damage to the lens of the eye caused by the blue light of the television. Blue light is light with a wavelength of 400-500 nm and is the main source of television. According rahmi utari hasimsein of mechanical R & D percentage of blue light at the age of 0-10 years by 70-80%, while pda aged 60-90 years by 20%. This means that the blue ray radiation can damage the lens of the eye at the age of 0-10 years. According to Dr, caroline Sp.A of Omni Hospital Medical Center, protection against harmful blue light should be done as early as possible, for example by reducing the quota menonyon TV or maintain visibility watching TV that is not too close. Besides watching television with viewing position ± 25 ° (25 degrees) will accelerate the damage to the neck muscles. While the distance of the ideal angle to watch television is 0 ° to 25 °, if more 25 ° neck muscles will be tense and may result in blood flow to the brain becomes less smoothly and result in headache and pain bend at the neck when done repeatedly can lead to migraine and headaches.
            Eye is a component of the development of human intelligence. As a child, his eyes still clear lens. and then it will gradually turn yellow, in line with his age. Change the color of the lens that is progressively inhibits blue light passing through the lens. So, increasing the age of man, the smaller the risk of disruption of the lens due to blue light. For comparison, in the percentage of blue light that reaches the retina at the age of 0-2 years by 70-80%, while at the age of 60 to 90 years is only 20%. So it is indeed the greatest risk occurs in children aged under five.
            of the above problems, the authors propose a proposal entitled "Smart Sensor Television: Television viewing distance detector automatically as efforts to maintain eye health." This sensor serves as the sensor visibility healthy in watching television. Hopefully, by the innovation of these tools can reduce the negative effect of blue light radiation can cause damage to the eye lens of people watching television. The advantages of smart sensor television is able to detect the angle and visibility at the same time. In addition to using the power source of electricity, it also can work using battery. Indicator warning in this tool has three variants, namely LCD, LED and buzzer sound. In addition to these tools use the LEDs are environmentally friendly because this type of lamp is free of mercury. The use of LED lights, but can save energy, save costs, we also participate in reducing global warming.

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